
Zoom - Perspektívaváltás / ZOOM - A Change in Perspectives

Zoom - Perspektívaváltás / ZOOM - A Change in Perspectives

ZOOM - A Change in Perspectives

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, June 23 2024

In the collection of the Museum of Ethnography are united more than two hundred thousand individual artefacts, along with several hundred thousand photographs, drawings, manuscripts, audio recordings and films. Here, in the ZOOM exhibition space, this monumental body of material appears in its primordial state, the cast out flotsam of a museal Big Bang. When completed, the institution’s new permanent exhibition will seek to provide insight into how such chaos gives way to order—how a ‘museumgalaxy’ coalesces as a result of systematisation and interpretation.


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A filmben a Berlinből hazaköltözött tízéves Palkó (Paul Mátis) csodálkozva szemléli egy átlagos magyar iskola mindennapjait. Egyedül Juci néni (Mészöly Anna), a pályakezdő tanárnő érti őt meg igazán, aki szintén elszenvedője a házmester-kultúrában megragadt intézményi rendszernek.

The Icelandic electronic musical duo Kiasmos, which emerged in 2014, was formed by two well-known and experienced songwriter-producers. Though the pair made their initial breakthroughs in two different styles. Now, after a five-year hiatus, they are returning to performing concerts and will showcase material from their new album at Müpa Budapest.

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