Andrássy út 22., 1061 Budapest
Richard Wagner
Bühnenweihfestspiel in three acts, in German, with Hungarian, English, and German subtitles
Richard Wagner
Bühnenweihfestspiel in three acts, in German, with Hungarian, English, and German subtitles
In Parsifal, his final music drama, Wagner embeds fear of the temptations of the world and sinful desires into a tale of redemption. The work is indeed a festival play for the stage rather than an opera. Many viewers – perhaps out of their own fears – criticised Wagner, who wrote both the libretto and the music, for what could be called the piece’s virtue and remarkable complexity, which is the personal tone with which he portrayed a religious theme combining notions of sacred and profane love. The visual world of this production directed by artistic director András Almási-Tóth was designed by Sebastian Hannak, who was also behind the look of Porgy and Bess and The Fairy Queen.
Composer: Richard Wagner
Librettist: Richard Wagner
Director: András Almási-Tóth
Set designer: Sebastian Hannak
Costume designer: Lili Izsák
Choreographer: Dóra Barta
Video designer: András Juhász
Lighting designer: Tamás Pillinger
Dramaturg, Hungarian subtitles: Enikő Perczel
English subtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki
Head of the Children’s Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer
Conductor: Péter Halász
Amfortas: Michele Kalmandy
Titurel: Péter Fried
Gurnemanz: Gábor Bretz
Parsifal: István Kovácsházi
Klingsor: Károly Szemerédy
Kundry: Andrea Szántó
First page: Ildikó Megyimórecz
Second page: Anna Csenge Fürjes
Third page: Tivadar Kiss
Fourth page: Botond Ódor
I/1st flower-maiden: Lilla Horti
I/2nd flower-maiden: Laura Topolánszky
I/3rd flower-maiden: Klára Vincze
II/1st flower-maiden: Rita Rácz
II/2nd flower-maiden: Zsuzsanna Kapi
II/3rd flower-maiden: Zsófia Kálnay
Mother of Parsifal / Voice from Above: Mária Farkasréti
First Grail knight: Botond Pál
Second Grail knight: Bence Pataki
The young Parsifal: Benjámin Taba
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