
Kötélugró Európa-bajnokság / European Rope Skipping Champinships

Kötélugró Európa-bajnokság / European Rope Skipping Champinships

The Magyar Ugrókötelesek Szövetsége and the European Rope Skipping Organization is welcoming the best of Europe in Eger.
During the days of the championships we are going to see the most spectacular freestyles with dance, acrobatics. We will have the chance to witness attempts on breaking the World records of speed by the best and finest of the jump…  több

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Utolsó előadás dátuma: július 20. szombat, 9:00

Category Time (approx


BREAKFAST (06:30 - 11:00)

Gym Opening 07:30

Coaches Meeting 11:45

Judges Meeting 11:45

Start Session 12:30


SRSR female 12:30

SRSR mixed 12:34

SRSR male 12:38

SRIF female 12:44

DDPF mixed 13:02

DDPF male 13:26

SRDR female 13:34

MC SRSR M/Mi/F 13:37

DDTF any 13:52

SRDR mixed 14:16

SRDR male 14:19




DDSF female 15:00

DDSF mixed 15:20

SRSE female 15:40

MC SRDR F/M/Mi 15:45

DDSF male 16:00

DDPF female 16:20

SRSS male 16:37

SCTF any 16:40

MC SRSE male 17:20

MC SRSS female 17:25


End Session 17:30


LUNCH (12:00 - 14:00)


Competition Schedule V.1.2.

EOT, JEC, EC-Q, and EC Finals


Finals Day 2


Event Category Time (approx


BREAKFAST (06:30 - 11:00)

Gym Opening 09:00

Judges Meeting 10:45

Start Session 11:30


SRIF male 11:30

DDSR female 11:50

DDSR mixed 11:53

DDSR male 11:57

WHPF female 12:00

SRTF mixed 12:20

SRTU female 12:40

SRTF male 12:45

SRPF female 12:55

MC DDSR Mi/M/F 13:15




DDSS mixed 14:10

DDSS male 14:14

DDSS female 14:17

SRPF mixed 14:20

SRTU male 14:40

SRPF male 14:50

SRTF female 15:10

MC DDSS Mi/M/F 15:30

WHPF mixed 15:45

WHPF male 16:00

SRSE male 16:15

SRSS female 16:20




MC SRTU male/female 16:45

MC SRSE female 16:53

MC SRSR male 16:57

DDCE Any 17:00


End Session 18:30

LUNCH (12:00 - 15:00)

Dinner during farewell party

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